Thursday, November 11, 2010

Dutch Oven Monkey Bread

We've fallen down on the blog job the last few days!  Daughter Kidd went to visit friends in Seattle this past weekend, and leftovers of this masterpiece by Papa Kidd were waiting for Daughter when she arrived home.  Such a sweet surprise, because usually NO leftovers exist when this monkey bread is made!

4 cans (10/pkg) plain buttermilk biscuits
1 cup white sugar
1 cup brown sugar
4 T cinnamon
1 stick butter

1.  Cut biscuits into quarters.  Mix both the white and brown sugar and the cinnamon in a reclosable plastic bag.  Drop some of the quartered biscuit pieces into the bag and coat them by shaking the bag. 
2.  Loosely place the coated pieces in the bottom of a foil-lined #14 Dutch oven.  Melt the butter and pour over the biscuit quarters.  

 3.  Bake at 375° for 25-30 minutes, or until done. 

Cooking time may be a little longer for this recipe, because of the thickness of the entire mass in the Dutch oven.  Note that the baking time for regular biscuits is shorter, because the mass is not as thick.

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